We are Made in Heavenly Father’s Image; therefore, One of these days We will become a God, Ourselves!
One of the most important commandments God gives his human creation in Exodus 20:3 is “Thou Shalt have no other Gods before me.” Meaning he does not want us to worship another God over him. However; many religious people misinterpret this phrase. The Latter Day Saints Church (LDS) core belief is that mankind, left Heavenly Father’s Kingdom, to come down to earth, only to return to heaven and become just like him, “A God.”
Think about it though, many Christians and even Jewish religions call God “Elohim” meaning most high God. And that is not just when he is up against Buddha or any Hindu Gods, Sun, Moon or whatever a group of people may follow other than the God of the bible. He calls himself Elohim because he is the highest God in his Kingdom. For example, he made Christ his only begotten son a God. In John 1:18 states “No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.” Jesus was given the power to save humanity from damnation and did indeed achieve that goal. Therefore we see that God is not a God by himself but he has the Godhead “God the father, God the son, and the holy Ghost”
From the beginning of the earth formation, Jesus was there helping Heavenly father design the world into existence. (John 1:3, 10, KJV) And, only Elohim (God), Jehovah (Jesus) was present but Michael the Archangel was there to. In Genesis 1:26 “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness […..]” In this sentence God is talking about not only himself but Jesus known as Jehovah, and Michael. Now at one point of time he probably had Lucifer in Michael’s place; but, Satan got beside himself and was cast out so he didn’t get the opportunity to be included in the creation of earth. That is one reason why he tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to get revenge on Elohim.
How does this all tie into to mankind becoming a God; ourselves, when we die or move on into the afterlife? The purpose for our existence is to come down to earth, receive bodies, go through trials, die and hopefully have past the test to become like Heavenly father. After all, he created us in his image like stated in the paragraph above. Jesus Christ tells his disciples along with a multitude of folks following him around that God will reward those who stay faithful to the end, Jesus says “Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of the lord.” (Matthew 25:23, KJV) Men and Women having lived on earth knowing how to pray to Heavenly Father through Christ Jesus is a test in faithfulness. Therefore their end reward is to become God and Goddess of his or her own planet. That is what this text is implying of those who do God’s will here on earth.
Joseph Smith shared with his fellow followers that God understands us as human beings because he was once human himself. (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Sel Joseph Fielding Smith [1976], 345–46. When you read throughout scriptures in both the Old and New Testament, you will see that God is a Jealous God(Ex.20:5), he gets angry (Deut 4:25), Jesus weeps(John 11:35)….God loves (John 3:16) and so on and so on….etc. These are all human attributes that were instilled in man because we are created in the image of God.
Finally, it is true that we never worship above God’s head. He is becomes angry and is very jealous since we are his creation. Yet since he made men and women in his likeness, we are destine to become like him. This proves that mankind purpose on earth is not to die and return to God as mere humans; but to progress and become inheritors of his kingdom.