Steps to Dealing with A High Strung Principal
Administration that work side by side with the staff to make learning a fun and nurturing place is any Teacher’s dream. However, in most educational environments that does not always happen. Many teachers have a hard time expressing their repulsion with the way the school is ran. The lack of support he or she receives from the Principal, who stops by unannounced, right when your students are talking all at once; making you look incapable of controlling the classroom. It can get even more interesting when the Principal calls you outside the classroom. He or She verbally attacks you just because they feel this an appropriate time to critique you on your teaching performance. And don’t you Dread staff meetings? Always that one Colleague who wants to look good to the Principal by throwing your teaching skills under the bus. At this point, a Sane workplace can become the equivalent of hell! So here are a few steps in dealing with a High-Strung Principal.
Always Say Good Morning Even When it Hurts!
Let’s face it. The Boss sometimes come to work in a rotten mood. Just like anyone else they have family problems: A spouse who may have annoyed them, children who aren’t behaving like they should, even their Superiors (superintendents) is on their shoulders about their job. If you happen to be going to the office to check in or turn in attendance, always try to be polite and speak, “Good morning, Mr or Mrs Sewing So” that makes you appear mature and professional. And if your boss is in one his or her rotten moods, they will not answer back or be polite. Don’t worry about it. You don’t want to let his or her hang ups be your worry for the day.
Don’t Apologize All the Time
If you do something wrong, apologize but not all the time, “I am sorry I didn’t turn in my students grades.” Or “I am sorry I am late.” Even when you are indeed wrong for not meeting deadlines. The best thing to do is correct the mistake; however, to keep apologizing for the same thing over and over again makes you look weak, incompetent, and unable to do your job. Have you ever notice those Teachers who are appreciated the most by the Principal are the ones who stay after school tutoring, always on yard duty, volunteering to chaperone at the school dances and so forth? That is how you make up for your mishaps by doing extra for administration but never keep apologizing for anything! The Principal will look down on you because of it.
Don’t Be A Tattle Tale Unnecessarily
If there is a dangerous situation like child abuse, illegal activity that makes you a mandated reporter then being a tattle tale is necessary for keeping everyone safe and doing your job. Aside from that, the worse thing any person can be is the school snitch and you have tons of those already. Always in the Principal’s face complaining about another Teacher or staff member. Ranting about how to improve the school by increasing the workload, or just being a brown nose. Stop going to the Principal about meaningless issues. For example, if you happen to see staff members taking free time in between breaks, while their students are in the classroom, don’t run to the Principal about it. Hey! They may need a mental break, besides worry about yourself. You probably sneak behind the Principal’s back to. Or if they happen to get caught by (Administration) taking unauthorized breaks then that is on them. Being a tattle tale can work against you since the Principal knows you aren’t loyal to your fellow team member, you will not be loyal to them. In the end, they will turn on you for being a snitch!
During Evaluations
When talking to the Principal, make sure you let them know how you plan to improve yourself. Always show them ways you are trying to see the best for the school and work to help him or her institute an excellent learning environment for students. It is best not to point the finger at other staff members, parents, or even students but try to strive to do better yourself. Accept positive and negative feedback the Principal gives to you. Keep quiet, listen, and then answer.
Build A Positive Relationship
Be friendly. I know it’s hard, but it may just be that your administration does not really know you are a great person. Collaborate with other staff members, if these people know you are a good person, they will speak highly of you and that will help.
Don’t Get Caught Up in Gossip
Gossiping with co-workers is the downfall you don’t want to take. It is okay to vent your frustrations out to one or two staff members you trust; however, make sure you know you can trust them to not twist what you say around. I stress be very careful who you talk to about your issues. Especially when you are talking down about the Principal. People always appear to be on your side but not everyone has good intentions. Like I mention before dealing with a tattle tale, you have staff members that will purposely go behind your back and leak information to the boss. It maybe or may not be the full truth but the bottom-line…you’re the one who looks bad.
Ignoring the Principal
I wouldn’t recommend doing this step unless things are really going sour between you and the overseer of the school. If you find yourself in a situation where the Principal has it in for you and is belittling you, yelling, or making you feel worthless. The Best thing to do is ignore him or her. And if you happen to be in the classroom or in front of other faculty members, when they are verbally bullying you then by all means walk away, tuning the Principal out. For instance, you are leaving an assembly and the Principal just lets in on you in front of the whole school. Direct your class to pay attention to your orders and escort them back to the classroom. Even if the Principal is giving another order to remain where you are at. It is nothing like someone standing in front of a group of people ranting and raving without the other persons response. It makes them look crazy. People will wonder if the Principal needs mental help.
Principal Can’t Just Fire You (Unless Abuse is Involved)
An administrator is one person and usually they must have some heavy documentation to get rid of someone (tenured or not.) If you are not on a formal plan, you are most likely not on the road to being let go even though it may feel that way. And if you are on a plan, do as many of the ideas as you can here to help build a more positive relationship with your admin. Remember, this is just one person’s opinion and you have formal processes started, you are most likely fine.
Transfer to Another School
If you are having issues with an administrator bullying you, you might think, “I can’t move, I won’t get a good referral.” Don’t worry about it. Good principals know that this thing happens out there. And any principal who is going to take your bully-principals word over other references is not somewhere you want to be. Deciding you are going to make a change and mentally letting go of your stuck situation will take a huge load off your shoulders.
Getting the School District Involved
I am by no means saying go over the Principal head, but you don’t have to be bullied either.
Contact Your Union Representative
If you have outside help, why not use it right? Does everyone have a union, no. But if you do, you should contact them.
In conclusion, the wises technique to follow is to keep in line with the golden rule: “Treat people like you would like to be treated” when you are lead by those simple guidelines, usually you can not go wrong. Of course, it is easier said then done, when you are placed in a situation having to work under a High-Strung Principal. Although you may have to tolerate an unkind Boss for a while, the situation can turn around if you implement the steps I discussed earlier. Many Districts frown upon school bullying by anyone; and will be more than willing to redirect the conflict taking place within the school. Whatever it calls for don’t give up or settle for anyone treating you like dirt. Keep these steps in mind and you will do fine.