I have read and understood James Finns Post. He wants Christians to change their thinking about homosexuality. He believes the Christian institute discriminates and it does in some churches. I am saying church has hurt a lot of people but that doesn’t mean you become bitten and target everyone who is apart the organization. James Finn wants the church to agree that being gay is right but the church doesn’t believe that homosexuality is something natural. He can’t come in and change that thinking. He can advocate that church be more loving to those who struggle with being gay but then again, the LGBT community don’t agree it is a struggle, they feel being homosexual or whatever he or she considers himself is who he or she was born to be but the doesn’t believe that. I understand people aren’t as open to the idea of gayness in the church but I feel that whether gay or straight, you need have respect for God when you enter his house. Yes, many people have been hypocritical to God’s laws….being mean to others but it is not everyone. We have to start with self that is what I am saying. Church is like a clinic, open for those who aren’t feeling well to come in and see a Doctor, or get meds to control the pain. It is not perfect. James Finn and others like him are quick to name call that someone is a bigot yet he spurts all kind of discriminating things at me. You can’t be the pot calling the kettle too hot..no it doesn’t work that way.